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John Trott from Mendip Bonsai Studio provides tips for bonsai culture, both indoors and outdoors.

Mendip Bonsai Studio was established by John Trott in 1996 to further the development of education in the art and culture of bonsai in the UK. It is now established as one of the leading national exhibiting bonsai nurseries in the country.

Indoor Bonsai

There are several trees that you can grow indoors successfully. The most common and the easiest to care for is the Ficus, an ideal choice for beginners. Other popular indoor Bonsai trees include Crassula and Schefflera arboricola.

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Outdoor Bonsai

Many bonsai enthusiasts regard the outdoor bonsai trees as the 'real' thing and will only grow bonsai outdoors because they are much easier to care for and there is more room for creativity.

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