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Ericaceous Focus (formerly Camellia Focus)

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Ericaceous Focus (formerly Camellia Focus)

Expertly balanced formula guaranteed to provide green healthy foliage and abundant flowering of ericaceous plants.

Ericaceous Focus is specifically formulated for optimum growth and flowering of ericaceous/camellias, azaleas and rhododendrons.

A carefully balanced formula of nutrients, it is manufactured from pure mineral salts and it is urea-free. Ericaceous Focus is ideal for optimal performance of Ericaceous, Azaleas, Rhododendrons in pots, or in the garden, and all acid-loving plants including blueberries. Also ideal for flowering bonsai plants.

Ericaceous Focus:

  • Provides a balanced nutrient solution for Ericaceous/Camellias, Azaleas, Rhododendrons and all acid-loving plants including blueberries  
  • Is specifically formulated for healthy growth and stunning flowers
  • Contains all necessary macro- and micronutrients
  • Is a compound liquid fertiliser

Ericaceous Focus is easy to use. Simply mix 5 ml per litre of clean water and apply every watering throughout the growing season, after the first flowers fade, and until two months before the first frosts.

Available in 300 ml and 1 litre.

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