Orchid and Plant Ultra contained a blend of humic and fulvic acids and seaweed extract and the products were originally designed to be applied to all species of orchids and houseplants as a supplement to boost growth and flowering during the complete life cycle of the plant.
As the products were not fertilisers, we recommended the use of a complete nutrient alongside this product, such as Orchid Focus Grow, Orchid Focus Bloom and Houseplant Focus. This caused a little confusion in the marketplace and so to simplify the process, and as our Focus nutrients also contain humic, fulvic and seaweed extracts, the difficult decision following a decline in sales was therefore made to discontinue Orchid and Plant Ultra. For growers still using these products we advised that there will be enough humic, fulvic and seaweed extract in the Focus nutrients to still provide the beneficial effect of these ingredients to their orchids and houseplants.
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