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Carnivorous Plant Focus Repotting Mix

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Carnivorous Plant Focus Repotting Mix

Special ‘Wetlands Formulation’ for carnivorous plants

Carnivorous Plant Repotting Mix is expertly designed for best growing results with the widest range of carnivorous plants. It is blended from a selection of peats and graded sand and it is formulated to promote healthy growth. It contains no added nutrients to ensure control of growth

  • Designed for best results with the widest range of carnivorous plants.
  • It is formulated to replicate typical wetland soils, with high moisture retention and low levels of mineral nutrients, to promote healthy growth of carnivorous plants.

Carnivorous plants need repotting every year or when the condition of the old mix is poor. For best results plants should be repotted early in the year just before the new spring growth starts but they can be repotted at any time in the summer. Highly recommended for all carnivorous plants.

Available in 3 litres.

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